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Register for IEATA’s 16th International Conference: June 20–22, 2025!

Artists of IEATA

MidAir by Lorena Fernandez

Lorena Fernandez, Ph.D

Besides being an artist, Lorena serves as an IEATA® Board member.

“I created this painting in 2018, soon after I had moved from the US to the Netherlands with my daughter and partner. I was searching for my place in the new country.”



I find myself Mid-Air,
Having jumped here voluntarily.

I’m supported and accompanied
in many important ways.

But I’m alone in finding one of my identities,
an important one,
because nobody can help me do that…
(or can they?)

I am the attentive mother,
the wife,
the language and culture student,
the artist.

But, am I the Expressive Arts therapist and teacher here?

October 15, 2018 – Lorena Fernandez


Learn more about Lorena’s experiences with art in this 4-minute video on YouTube.

Splendid Suns by Maria Gonzalez Blue

Maria Gonzalez-Blue M.A., REAT®, REACE®

Besides being an artist, Maria currently serves in the board of IEATA.

“Hello fellow creators, I never work with only one modality; my creative mind takes me in all directions, which I love. Here is a Neurographic art piece I did over a couple of dark, wintry days. I named it after a book by Khaled Hosseini. I include the writing that came through as I worked.”


A Thousand Splendid Suns

I walk through winter’s shadows
Seeking the light within
Eyes closed, one step at a time
I await an inner knowing
That which allows surrender’s rest
My steps tentative but trusting
Perhaps a quiet fear of potholes
I walk through winter’s shadows
Seeking the light within
When all I want is
A thousand splendid suns.

Image by pat b. allen

pat b. allen, Ph.D., ATR

Pat serves as an IEATA® board member, as co-chair of the Artist Committee, and is a senior faculty member of the Jewish Studio Project

Eyes of the Heart

when the eyes of the heart open fully

there is nothing more to say

Love’s fire burns all day and all night

what is not essential

burns to ash,

feeds the seeds

the way is clear

Philosophical Statement

We, the Artists Committee, are dedicated to recognizing and celebrating the contributions of artists and the impact of the arts. We believe in the profound value of art, seeing it as a source of human growth, healing, transformation, communication, and social change. We view art as a powerful force on its own, independent of external judgments or educational perspectives.

We believe in creating collaborative and non-hierarchical environments to encounter and experiment freely with the arts and to expand the boundaries in the expressive arts field. We aim to distinguish between the experiential essence of art performance and the transformative personal inner process involved in expressive arts work. In our work, whether in education, therapy, consulting, or related fields, we strive to maintain an inclusive and welcoming spirit.

Our commitment extends to fostering community through the creation of arts-based opportunities and programs that bring people together. We believe in the ability of art to build connections and enrich the lives of individuals and communities alike.

woman drawing on a large surface with crayon

Arts-Based Research

Arts-based research is a qualitative research approach that integrates artistic methods and practices into the research process. It recognizes the unique ability of the arts, such as visual arts, music, drama, and dance, to convey complex ideas and experiences. This methodology values creativity, aesthetics, and subjective expression as legitimate forms of inquiry.

Through various artistic mediums, researchers explore, interpret, and communicate their findings, offering a nuanced understanding of phenomena that may be challenging to capture through traditional, text-based methods. Arts-based research often fosters a deeper connection with the subject matter and allows for a more holistic and sensory exploration of research questions.

Submit your work

We’re thrilled to introduce a rotating showcase of expressive artists. If you’re a current IEATA member, and are interested in being featured, kindly complete the form to submit the requested materials to our platform. Your participation is greatly welcomed!

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    Want to learn more about the artists of IEATA? Find us on Facebook!

    Save the Date 16th International Conference!

    16th International Conference June 20 - 22, 2025 in Beverly, MA