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Register for IEATA’s 16th International Conference: June 20–22, 2025!

What is Intermodal Expressive Arts?

The thread of our creativity does not limit itself to one modality. It can move with fluidity through different modalities, with each experience deepening and expanding on the others.

Hands in the shape of birds on black poster
Intermodal Expressive Arts embraces the connection and interplay of the various arts modalities, including:
  • All forms of visual art, including photography and craft
  • Movement/dance/somatics
  • Voice, rhythm, sound, and music
  • Drama and enactment
  • All forms of writing, including poetry and storytelling
  • Guided meditation, use of the imagination, and nature-based practices

Sequencing & layering of creativity

In Intermodal Expressive Arts, two or more arts modalities are typically sequenced or layered.

An experienced expressive arts facilitator or therapist guides the effective interweaving of modalities to provide maximum benefit to the client.

Reclaiming the intermodal aspect of the arts is essentially remembering that we were born with the ability, and the right, to express ourselves creatively in myriad ways.

painting of a group of people

Reclaiming the intermodal aspect of the arts is essentially remembering that we were born with the ability, and the right, to express ourselves creatively in myriad ways.

Offered in a wide variety of settings

The focus of intermodal expressive arts can be individual, group, community, or global. It can be practiced in individual sessions, groups, or large community gatherings.

These are some settings where intermodal expressive arts are offered:

Save the Date 16th International Conference!

16th International Conference June 20 - 22, 2025 in Beverly, MA