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Submission Guidelines


Newsletter Submission Guidelines

The Newsletter is a forum for IEATA® professional, student, and supporting members to connect, exchange ideas, network, and stay current on the latest developments in the field of expressive arts. It is published quarterly by the IEATA® PR & Publications Committee.

Submissions are welcome from any current IEATA® member and from those in the larger expressive arts community upon Committee approval.

Submission Deadlines:

Fall edition: October 15th (published Nov. 1)

Winter edition: January 15th (published Feb. 1)

Spring edition: April 15th (published May 1)

Summer edition: July 15th (published Aug. 1)

We Accept Submissions for:

Notes from the Field - reflections or commentaries concerning the process of engaging in the expressive arts from the viewpoint of artist, student, intern, consultant, educator, therapist, client, activist, and more.

Student News, Views & More - reflections or commentaries concerning issues, views, and the perspectives of those currently enrolled as students in expressive arts programs.

Professional Exchange - professional reflections or commentaries concerning new approaches, certification, trends, historical reflections, ethics, and other developing issues from practitioners, educators, consultants.

Book Reviews - short reviews of new books in the field of expressive/creative arts and related topics that provide both descriptive and critical commentary concerning the books' relevance to expressive arts practice.

Creative Contributions:

We welcome artistic contributions in single or multiple modalities that inform or depict expressive arts work. Contributions may include:

Visual artwork


Creative writings



How to Send us your Work:

All submissions must be electronic/digital. We do not accept hard copy submissions

All submissions must have "IEATA Newsletter" as the subject line

Written documents should be sent as a .doc or .pdf attachments

Images should be sent as .JPG or .PNG files, minimum 1280 pixels, maximum weight 4mb

Video should be sent as .MOV or .MP4 files, maximum frames 30fps

Audio should be sent as .MP3 or WAV files

Send all submissions to:

Article Submission Specifics:

Title all submissions: Full Name-Title of Work-IEATA NEWS

Length - maximum 1800 words

Language – we are working on creating multilingual platforms, for now written submissions must be in English


All submissions are subject to editing for length and content at the editors' discretion. However, if a submission requires a more extensive edit, contributors shall be notified by the editors prior to finalization.

Simultaneous Submissions:

Contributors must notify the editors if a submission to the IEATA® Newsletter has simultaneously been submitted to another publication or if a submission to the IEATA® Newsletter has been previously printed in another publication.


Member Prices

$50.00 - 1/4 page

$100.00 - 1/2 page

$200.00 - full page

Non-Member Prices

$95.00 - 1/4 page

$150.00 - 1/2 page

$250.00 - full page

Advertisement submissions must be PDF, JPG, or PNG file formats and should be emailed to

Payment is due at the time of submission. Remit to: International Expressive Arts Therapy Association (IEATA), P.O. Box 40707, San Francisco, CA 94110-9991 USA


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