Register for IEATA’s 16th International Conference: June 20–22, 2025!
Standards and guidelines of REACE®
Registered Expressive Arts Consultant/Educator
NEW Update to Non-Formal Pathway requirement – Experience hours changed to 2000 hrs (Effective 07/17/24)
Understanding the pathways
Please note that there are two pathways for REACE® registration:
- Formal Pathway: Academic Training Path (requires a master’s degree and work experience hours)
- Non-Formal Pathway: Self Directed Path (does not require a master’s degree, but does require additional work experience hours)
Find more information on both pathways in each section below.
I. IEATA Professional Membership
All Registered Expressive Arts Consultants/Educators must have and maintain a Professional Membership with IEATA®. When you apply as a REACE® applicant, you are required to be a Professional member, or you need to update your membership to the Professional membership type.
II. Education (for formal pathway only)
Master’s Degree Accepted Programs:
- Expressive Arts
- Psychology
- Education
- Educational Psychology
- Counseling
- Spiritual Development
- Social Work
- Pastoral Field
- Organizational Development
- Any of the Creative Arts
- Public Health
- Business Development
- Other related field not listed*
- In-person, online and hybrid (partial online) master’s program must be from an accredited institute.
- Transcripts must be official and can be sent to IEATA® in two ways: electronically to, or mailed to IEATA® in a sealed envelope with the signature of the registrar, or other designated official, across the back seal.
- Minimum of 25 hours of in person** practicum, or internship, is required working in a group or individual setting (can be completed as part of the required Expressive Arts training). These hours must be documented in the REACE® Application under the Transcripts section.
*If your degree is in “Other related field not listed” then a description of the relationship between your master’s degree and your work as an Educator/Consultant must be included in the REACE® Application under the Transcripts section
**If you were not able to complete your practicum in person during the COVID pandemic, exceptions can be made on a case-by-case basis.
III. Experience
Formal pathway: 1,200 hours using integrative/intermodal expressive arts consulting and education work
Non-Formal Pathway: 2,000 hours using integrative/intermodal expressive arts consulting and education work.
Work Experience Requirement (Both Pathways):
- Complete the Work Experience form included in the REACE® application.
- Hours cannot include expressive arts therapy work hours and must be expressive arts consultation and education only.
- We do accept work experience that may have happened prior to, or simultaneous with, an educational program.
- Facilitation hours must be conducted face-to-face; in-person or online (excludes hours for preparation and presentations).
- Up to 200 of the total hours required can come from the facilitation hours of an education practicum or internship.
- Up to 100 of the total hours required can come from expressive arts research and the writing of expressive arts consultation and educational articles that have been published in a professional journal or publication (a detailed record of hours, a paragraph description of each writing project, and a copy of the summary and link to more information is required).
IV. Expressive Arts Training
Formal and Non-Formal:
Expressive Arts training must prepare the applicant to fulfill the competencies required to use the arts multimodally in order to facilitate intermodal expressive arts processes in a non-clinical setting.
The applicant must complete 200 hours of training in intermodal expressive arts facilitation (not to include expressive arts therapy training).
Formal Pathway Only: Your additional 200 hours of Expressive Arts Training must include documentation of a minimum of 25 hours of in person practicum, or internship, if not obtained as part of your master’s degree.
In-Person Training
Both Pathways: Of the 200 hours, 60 of these hours needs to come from in-person training.
Formal Pathway: 25 of the 60 hours can come from the in-person practicum or internship.
- Complete the Education & Training form in the REACE® Application. Attach an official course description document that should articulate the training in facilitation of intermodal expressive arts as a consultant or educator. Proof of hours and certificate of completion are also required.
- Hours can be obtained through a training, educational or certificate program, preferably from a REACE® or a REAT® with education and/or consulting expertise.
- Note:If you completed your Expressive Arts Training during the Covid 19 Pandemic years 2020-2022, and if your training was therefore exclusively online, please note that in your application, as exceptions will be made on a case by case basis
V. Autobiographical Statement
The consultant/educator is in a unique position to make inroads into environments that traditionally have not integrated expressive arts. This path requires unique training, creative thinking, confidence, and a commitment to inner work.
To understand and review these elements of an applicant’s professional experience, we require a 7- 10 page essay (12 point, typed, and double-spaced), which should include the following:
- Your experience with the arts, multimodal arts and intermodal expressive arts; past and present.
- Your work regarding personal growth, including any therapy or spiritual work, particularly with the arts.
- Include a self-assessment of your strengths and challenges. We would like to understand how the expressive arts have impacted your personal growth and professional development.
- Include any other relevant personal information you’d like to share.
VI. Statement of Philosophy
Our field is defining itself through our many voices. This category provides an opportunity for you to crystallize your ideas and describe your professional work and underlying philosophy. Your Statement of Philosophy should demonstrate a depth of understanding and experience in intermodal expressive art processes that includes the competencies listed below.
We require a 7 – 10 page essay (12 point, typed, and double-spaced), that includes the following:
- Your facilitation philosophy
- Your philosophy in using intermodal expressive arts
- Description of how your philosophy is integrated into your work with individuals
- Your understanding of group process where applicable
- Description of your understanding of prominent ethical issues in your current consulting/education work
- How your work incorporates your understanding of human development
- Include any major individuals (mentors, consultants) and processes that have influenced your work
VII. Portfolio
Portfolio Entry 1 – Case Study
The case study documents provide an example of your work and philosophy with an individual or group within an intermodal expressive arts approach. The case study explores observations of an individual or group in process, either within a session or over a period of time. It should illustrate the effects of the process, as well as the outcome and your findings.
We require a 3 – 5 page essay (12 point, typed, and double-spaced), which can include the following:
- Where did the individual or group start (their intentions and expectations for the process, and yours as facilitator)?
- How were they affected and changed by the work? You may want to consider a hypothesis.
- The case study should describe the population served, the process and structure, challenges you met, as well as any conclusions and how they relate to your philosophy.
- If you include support material such as samples of artistic work created, please limit this also to no more than five pages. To protect the privacy of individuals, please use initials when referring to clients.
Portfolio Entry 2 – Personal Process
To truly understand the process through which an expressive arts consultant/educator guides others, it is important that he or she has firsthand knowledge of working with the expressive arts with an intermodal approach. We require a 3 – 5 page essay (12 point, typed, and double-spaced) in which you share your personal work with the arts. This may include photos of art, poetry or other creative writing, or a description of a movement or music experience. Please include a brief description of your process (within the three to five pages). Here’s a chance to be creative.
VIII. Adjunct to Training and Work Experience
Describe specific training or educational development that has helped you understand group dynamics and human development.
Include any additional educational or professional activities that support your work as a consultant or educator; certifications, conference presentations, publications, specialized training, additional workshops, etc.
IX. Three Letters of Reference
The letters of reference can be from professionals who have supervised your work or have facilitated with you. It is preferable for at least one of the references to be an IEATA® member, and for the references to be working in the field of expressive arts with a multimodal approach or at least very familiar with the field. Current references are best, although it is understood that expressive arts consulting and education work may have occurred over a span of time.
X. REACE® Ethical Guidelines Agreement
Your original signature confirms your full understanding and agreement to uphold the code of ethics set forth by IEATA® for the REACE® registration. (The Agreement is contained in the REACE® application.)
XI. Insurance Validation or Waiver
If you already have insurance please send in your certificate of insurance with the application. If you will delay working as an expressive arts consultant or educator, please indicate so in the designated area, sign the form and send in with the application.