Register for IEATA’s 16th International Conference: June 20–22, 2025!

About IEATA Southwest USA
The IEATA Southwest Region is comprised of 7 states covering 3 time zones.
No one area has a concentration of members as they are spread out across these 7 states: Nevada, Utah, Colorado, Arizona, Texas, and Oklahoma.
A number of members have contributed to workshops, seminars, online presentations as well as their own individual programs. Regional coordinator Coby J. Lyons was fortunate to present at the IEATA Annual Conference in Taiwan on Expressive Arts based research.

Regional coordinators
The co-coordinators of the Southwest region are Colby J. Lyons and Gena Segno.

A note from the regional coordinator
While it’s been a real challenge getting our region connected, many have been putting together workshops, doing projects in their region, and working behind the scenes. I had the honor and privilege to present at this year’s IEATA Annual Conference in Taiwan in person! My presentation offered an experiential application of Intermodal approaches to Arts-Based research. It was well received and the work and results were mind-blowing!
I know that there is so much more that happens in this large spread-out region. We are striving to find creative ways to connect us more closely!