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Save the date for IEATA’s 16th International Conference: June 20–22, 2025!

The Power of Creativity TeleSummit

Nicki Koethner and Suraya Keating

abstract piece with a purple overlay

What an inspiring event the Power of Creativity TeleSummit was! Nine days. Twenty interviews. Dozens of questions, ideas, inspirations and tools. At this year’s Power of Creativity Telesummit, which took place February 2-9, 2014, we engaged in cutting-edge dialogue with more than 15 artists, therapists, teachers and healers who are using the arts and creativity to catalyze profound positive change in the world. While we miss the live dialogue, we are grateful that we have the recordings of the interviews, and can listen to them again and again for tools, inspiration, and connection.

Each interview served as a lens and as a doorway: a lens that offered a perspective on how creativity acts as a force of healing and transformation in our lives, and as a doorway to exploring how we can expand and deepen the impact we can have as artist-healers. There were many moments in our week of conversations that moved our hearts and inspired our minds. A few highlights we remember from summit week include:

  • Kate Donohue talking about how when we create more, we destroy less.
  • Elise Peeples highlighting the importance of trusting and collaborating to be with the unknown and uncertainty of life.
  • Olivia Corson addressing the power and importance of listening and allowing our connection to earth to be felt, sensed and expressed
  • Karin von Daler taking a stand for embracing the arts as our birthright.
  • Sophia Reinders talking about the Earth as our partner and our lover.
  • Anneli Richards discussing the way playing facilitates both inspiration and relaxation at the same time.
  • Michael Rojas discussing the way we are can be either pushed by pain or pulled by vision to live from a place of deeper alignment and connection
  • Mireya Alejo highlight the way in which the arts and Holotropic Breathwork take us in to our “soul space.”
  • Anin Utigaard discussing the ancient language of sounds crossing cultures to connect us with each other and ourselves.
  • Delfina reminding us that meditation practices and art don’t make difficult experiences go away but give us new ways to respond to and be with them.

The effects of the Summit are still rippling inside of us, and have planted seeds and reminders about the ongoing importance of finding those practices that foster healing and well-being in our lives. The Telesummit also fed our desire and gratitude for being interwoven in a growing community of practitioners who have devoted their lives to the healing powers of the arts and creativity. May we join together in community in the spirit of peace and mutual support to help each other live from a place from deep alignment, heal those parts of us that have been split off or rejected, and cultivate a connection to the earth that is grounded in deep respect and honoring of our interdependence with all things. We invite you to ally with us on this journey and be a part of this blossoming tribe of artist-healers-earth stewards.

Nicki Koethner and Suraya Keating

What others said about the Telesummit:

I am really looking forward to the next telesummit. I live on an island in North Carolina. Sometimes, I feel very isolated from the expressive arts community. This telesummit was such a rare gift for those of us who live in more rural communities. As a senior citizen cost is always a factor, so, I applaud you and your guests for sharing this with the world!!!!!! Such a generous loving gift from the hearts of all who presented. Bravo and namaste:)

– Ella Hill


Thank you! I enjoyed this first conversation. Your energy and enthusiasm is contagious. I’m looking forward to all that is to come. Thank you Sophia Reinders for your eloquence in describing our connection to the soul of the earth. I love rethinking ecopsychology as a practice. I just listened to parts of this interview again. So inspiring!

– Marylyn Kay Hagar

To Purchase the Recordings:

We highly recommend the recordings – a treasure chest full of inspiration and tools (guided meditations and centering/grounding practices to stimulate presence and creativity.) You can buy them and have lifetime access to them for only $40.

Click here: to buy them.



Share your experiences and wisdom of creativity. Please respond to any/all of the following questions and send us your musings by November 15th, 2014. This E-Book* on Creativity is intended to be FOR the people, BY the people and OF the people – a reclaiming of creativity as a birthright and as an energy that resides and moves through every being on the planet. We welcome you to share your experiences, your voice and your wisdom! Send an email with submissions to

  1. What is “creativity” to you?
  2. How do you connect to creativity? When is a time in your life that you have deeply connected to creativity?
  3. Have you ever experienced healing or growth through connecting to the creative force? Share a brief story.
  4. What’s a favorite practice you use with yourself or with groups (if you are a group facilitator) that helps connect to creativity?

Submissions can be written or in pictures/images (jpeg format) and poetry. Please do not exceed 1000 words). We also encourage one or two paragraphs (max 50 words) of a creative bio of yourself (a regular one is ok too!). Such as answering these questions:

  1. If I were a landscape I…?
  2. Which Color describes you most of the days?
  3. What gifts are your bringing to this world, a quality such a taste or smell or image that symbolizes your value/gifts?

So for example Nicki Koethner, MA, MFT: I’m an ocean sandy beach with palm trees on a sunny breezy day. Rainbow colored sweet delight with wild hair playing joyously in the mud touching hearts, integrating body mind and spirit to empower the journey of the soul. Find out more about Nicki’s work at

We look forward to hearing from you!

Nicki and Suraya

Co-Hosts, Power of Creativity Telesummit

Co-Editors, E-Book: Creativity for all People (working title)

*This book will be offered as a free guide or donations accepted for the editors for their work putting it together.

Submit your proposal for IEATA's 16th International Conference!