Register for IEATA’s 16th International Conference: June 20–22, 2025!
The 9th Biennial International Conference
Living with Uncertainty: Multiplicity as a Healing Pathway through Expressive Arts / Viviendo en la incertidumbre: La multiplicidad como travesía sanadora desde las artes expresivas
IEATA and TAE Peru presented IEATA’s International Conference, August 10-14, 2011 in Lima, Peru with post-conference sessions in Cusco on August 16.

We live in a time in which social and environmental destruction threatens us all. There are no clear answers to the problems of the world, but the arts offer possibilities and perspectives that can help us find new pathways towards healthful solutions.
Can we live with uncertainty? Multiplicity of arts, ancient traditions and contemporary ways of living, from a myriad of cultures, can invite us to find new possibilities of healing. The expressive arts can be our guide in the unknown future that awaits us as therapists, educators, consultants and peace-builders. We hope that this multi-cultural and inter-cultural event will help us learn from each other to find new ways towards health and well-being.
We would also like to offer new ways of thinking and sense-making from Peru – Latin America: a multicultural-particular context, a diverse land filled with ancient wisdom, mostly poor, violent, corrupt yet beautiful, with the traditional arts still living and with a great variety of ways of healing. We invite the expressive arts community to join us in this effort.
TAE PERU in Lima, Peru, will host the conference: an institution where training, therapy and creativity are joined. TAE promotes the use of the arts in therapeutic contexts, educational settings, and the wider community, and for social change. Tae Peru is the first Latin American-based global network of training in Expressive Arts Therapy ISIS (International Network of Expressive Arts Therapy Training Centres) and is affiliated to the European Graduate School.
Conference highlights: The Cusco experience
Experiential Workshop: An encounter between the expressive arts and traditional Andean culture
August 16, Ollantaytambo, Cusco
This Seminar was held in Ollantaytambo, in the Sacred Valley of the Incas. Ollantaytambo is located between Cusco and Machu Picchu at 2800 meters above sea level. The Incas between the XV and XVI century built Ollantaytambo. Today the stone streets are still in use by the people. They have also built their houses on top of Inca foundations. From the city one can see the great temple of the Sun, the last place where the Incas fought against the Spaniards.
TAE Peru has been doing an international seminar in this city for several consecutive years exploring and investigating the encounter of traditional Andean arts with the expressive arts.
Part of the experiences was an Andean ceremony that enabled us to contact the ancient world of the Incas preparing for the next day. In the archaeological site of Moray, an important Inca site used as an agricultural laboratory we had an unforgettable experience where we responded to the sacred place with arts and movement. This experience was facilitated by the entire team of TAE Peru.