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Register for IEATA’s 16th International Conference: June 20–22, 2025!

The 10th Biennial International Conference

Expressive Arts in the Winds of Change / Las Artes Expresivas en los Aires de Cambio

Conference details:

  • March 14-17, 2013
  • DoubleTree Hotel, Berkeley, California, U.S.A.

How do we rise to meet the Winds of Change? Do we flail wildly in the violent gusts? Do we stand firmly as the jet stream passes over us? Do we ride the winds like ethereal surfers or like ribbons in the breeze?

March 23, 2013

What a marvelous conference we just ended!

It was a resounding success in a multitude of ways, made possible by an energetic stream of bright and talented presenters–including our beloved elder, Natalie Rogers, who delivered a beautifully inspiring keynote…under the leadership of our gifted and hard-working Conference Committee Co-Chairs Denise Boston, Jacob Kaminker, and Doreen Maller…surrounded by the most astonishing art-making and installations…supported by a strong, uplifting wind and a plethora of eager volunteers. (Thank you, Leyla, for your masterful recruitment and organizing of all those valued helpers!)

The Doubletree Hotel was most accommodating, and the weather cooperated completely. We missed those of you unable to attend this time and hope to see you in Hong Kong in 2015–if not sooner, as there are rumblings now of plans to move forward with regional symposia in the meantime, and with a frequency that keeps up with the glorious momentum we have stirred. Stay tuned for updates!

But mostly, thanks to the best Membership on the globe for your contributions that make this organization possible, and healthy, and light a bright path to the future.

Our warmest wishes,

Haley and Mitchell

Your Executive Co-Chairs


  • KEYNOTE with Natalie Rogers


John F. Kennedy University

California Institute of Integral Studies Sofia University (formerly Institute of Transpersonal Psychology)


  • Tamalpa Institute, Meridian University, and International University of Professional Studies
  • Lesley University


  • John F. Kennedy University
  • Sofia University
  • California Institute of Integral Studies
  • Tamalpa Institute
  • Meridian University
  • Lesley University
  • Massachusetts School of Professional Psychology


Register Today! 16th International Conference!